Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see". 

WeeCare Childcare

~Neil Postman

For More Info or to Schedule a Tour please call (636)343-2255 ext.11

Fenton Mo

Messenger Church

602 Summit Road Fenton MO 63026 

Ph - (636)343-2255 Ext.11
Email -

Daily Schedule:  
    * Breakfast
    * Class Room Studies (2 yrs. - 1st. Grade)
    * Activity Break
    * Class Room Studies
    * Lunch
    * Nap Time
    * Activity Time  ( Activity times include: Outside play time, gym time if needed due to 
       weather, crafts, sports, tv time, etc.)
    * Snack
    * Activity Time

* Missouri Association of Christian Schools
* American Association of Christian      Schools
* Pensacola Christian College
Ages:  Infant - 1st Grade

Education:  The education of our children begins at 2 yrs. of age and continues through 1st grade.

Curriculum:  A-Beka -  A Beka Book provides Christian schools and  with outstanding curriculum and textbooks built on a foundation of academic excellence and Christian character training.

Summer Program:  We also offer a Summer DayCamp Program for School Age children. (K-5 through 4th Grade (12yrs. of age)

Special Activities:  We offer various activities through out the year that involve our children and parents.  Christmas Program, Breakfast W/ Santa, Fall Family Fun Day, Kindergarten Graduation (Cap & Gown), Specialized Field name  a few.

Security:  We are cognizant of the need that our children are secure at all times.  Our building is monitored by a security camera system 24 hours a day. Each class room and area in the daycare facility is monitored with cameras  and a intercom system for the safety of our children.

Open Door Policy:  Parents are welcome to come by at any time to view what is happening 
with their child!! Unannounced!!